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Millie's story

Updated: May 6, 2022

Millie was an energetic, inspirational 13 year old from York who received treatment in Leeds Children’s hospital from March 2021 to August 2021. After becoming seriously ill, Millie and her parents spent several months on Ward L50 (liver and renal) and later on Wards L31 - L33 (oncology).

Whilst on Wards L31 - L33 Millie’s family received hands-on charitable support from the Leeds-based Candlelighters Trust but reflected that no similar support had been available to them on Ward L50.

Leeds Hospitals Charity provides support by funding a variety of valuable projects and initiatives across all eight Leeds hospitals. The Millie Wright Children's Charity is exclusively dedicated to providing extensive hands-on support for families with critically ill children on Ward L50.

To help address inconsistencies in the support available to families of children living with haematological conditions, versus those with non-haematological conditions they set-up the Millie Wright Children’s Charity.

It will take some time and charitable donations to be able to match the services which the Candlelighters Trust provide, however, the Millie Wright Children’s Charity has already started to work with Ward L50 and will support its first families in the coming months.

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